Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

“CapCakeFever★” Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
These Terms of Service constitute a usage agreement between the user and the operator, and set forth the conditions under which the user may use the app “CapCakeFever★” (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”). Users must understand and agree to the contents of these Terms before using the Service.
1. Eligibility
・Users may use the Service from the point at which they agree to these Terms.
・Eligibility to use the Service lasts until the user deletes the app or until the operator decides to terminate the user’s access.
2. Handling of Personal Information
・The operator will use personal information obtained through the Service for the following purposes:
 ・Providing the Service
 ・Creating statistical data
 ・Responding to inquiries
 ・Other purposes deemed necessary by the operator for business purposes
・The operator will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations in handling personal information.
・Users may request disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of their personal information from the operator.
3. Changes to the Service
・The operator may change the content, specifications, fees, etc. of the Service without prior notice.
・The operator may temporarily suspend or stop providing the Service.
・The operator shall not be liable for any damages suffered by users or third parties due ・to the changes mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
4. Prohibited Activities
・Users must not engage in the following activities when using the Service:  
 ・Activities that violate laws and regulations
 ・Activities that are contrary to public order and morals
 ・Activities that infringe on the rights of others
 ・Activities that place an excessive load on the operator’s servers
 ・Other activities deemed inappropriate by the operator
・The operator may take measures such as suspending the user’s use of the Service without prior notice if the user violates the prohibited activities.
5. Disclaimer
・The operator makes no warranty regarding the provision of the Service.
・The operator shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the Service.
6. Dispute Resolution
・The user and the operator shall make sincere efforts to discuss and resolve any disputes related to these Terms or the Service.
・If the dispute cannot be resolved through the discussion mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the user and the operator shall follow the dispute resolution procedures (including arbitration) set forth by the App Store or Google Play.
・The dispute resolution procedures stipulated in this section may vary depending on the user’s place of residence or the location where the Service is used. For details, please refer to the terms and policies of the App Store or Google Play.
7. Other
・These Terms may be changed without prior notice.
・Changes to these Terms shall take effect from the time they are posted on the Service.

8. Contact Us

Please contact \[operator’s contact information\] for inquiries about the Service.

9\. Revision History

・December 24, 2024: First version